Monday, August 25, 2014

first day of school + looking back

Today these three little buddies along with Jared and I walked down the street to their first day of school. Trevor had already ran out the door to catch his bus to middle school before I got a picture of him, Seth starts pre-school next week and Andrea goes to school in a different school district and was with her mom this morning. But these three just skipped down the street as happy as can be. I can't wait to hear how their days went when they get home! Jared has been making them some cookies for an after school snack...lucky kids (and lucky me)!

Syd and T both started going to preschool when they were 2 since we lived right next door to a Spanish Immersion pre-school at the time. These are the pictures from their first days from age 2 to present. It's so fun to see how they have grown!

I am glad to have some more structure after having a crazy schedule this summer. I have planned out a daily schedule for myself to try and help me maximize my time during the day while the kiddos are at school. It feels good to have a plan even though it will probably need lots of tweaks. And now for the homework...

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